Product Features:
👉🏻Defeat White Hair Without Hair Dye
👉🏻Features Photonic Ion Beams for Quick and Effective Coloring, Visible Daily
👉🏻No PPD, Chemical-Free Dyes, or Strong Odors
👉🏻Suitable for Use by Pregnant Women and Those with Sensitive Skin
👉🏻Use Gloves to Prevent Skin Stains, and Wash Hands with Soap if Staining Occurs.
👉🏻Optimal Results When Paired with Ginger Essence Hair Darkening Shampoo.
- 击退白发 不用染发
- 光感离子束添加 快速上色 天天有感
- 不含PPD/非化学染剂/无刺鼻气味
- 孕产妇可使用、敏感肌肤可使用
建議搭配 薑萃喚黑養髮浴髮露 使用效果尤佳。
无需染发! 只要光照,白发也能自然黑
✅Beauty Hair Cream
✅Instant, No-Rinse Light-Activated Color Rejuvenation
✅Ditch the Messy Dyes
✅Pleasantly Scented
✅Hassle-Free Hair Coloring
✅Regular White Hair Treatment
✅Boosted with Hair Beautifying Cream
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